
Our printmaking courses in our Exeter studios are designed to cater to a wide range of skill levels, from beginners eager to dip their toes into the world of printmaking, to experienced artists looking to refine and enhance their techniques. With our expert tutors, you'll receive personalized guidance and instruction, ensuring a valuable and enriching learning experience. Prices do not include additional materials used on a course.

If you have a gift voucher from our old website system please get in touch!

Not seeing the course you’re looking for?
We have so much more to offer, if you’re interested in any of the courses below do get in touch so we can gauge interest.

A-Z of linocutting - Acrylic Resist Etching - Absract into Print - Carborundum day - Collagraph Weekend - Drypoint & Chine Colle - Drypoint & carborundum  - Ultra drypoint (power tools) - Cyanotype ½ day - Relief Collagraph taster session - Drypoint taster session - Blind embossed ½ day - Exploring Intaglio - Fabric screen ½ day 6 week - Fabric screenprint evening class - Fabric Screenprint Weekend - Funky effects for fabric screenprinting - Improvers evening class - Intro to Print ½ day 5 week course - Intro to print 5 week evening course - Intro to screenprint day course - Intro to Wood engraving - Intro to Letterpress - Letterpress Weekend - Kitchen Litho - Lampshade Making day - Linocut in Black & White -Linocut Weekend - Monoprint day - Painterly Monotype - Intro to Photo etching day - Photo etching Weekend - Practical Colour Mixing for Printmakers - Screenprint ½ day 5 week course - Screenprint evening course - Screenprint Weekend - Screen to Screen - 10 week developmental ½ day course - Thursday Class (10 week whole day course) - Wet Ink on Wet Ink - Christmas Cards - Christmas Wrapping Paper - Silk Aquatint - Saline salt etch with aluminium - Intro to Mezzotint