Paper & Print Project Artist Commission

Double Elephant Print Workshop is offering £5000 for an artist or collective to create new work that creatively responds to the history of Exeter’s papermills through the research gathered during our 12-month Heritage Lottery funded project, Paper & Print.

Please read through the application guidelines below:


Double Elephant is looking for an artist’s interpretation and response to one (or more) of the themes that have been brought to light from the research so far. The research has been divided into the following themes – mapping the mills, process and production, the papermaking landscape, global histories around papermaking, and the environmental impact of papermaking. Our volunteer researchers have uncovered a number of fascinating stories to date, whether that be the roles of ragpickers in the paper industry, the experience of women and children in Exeter’s paper mills, or the global reach of local papermakers beyond the city. The project has also run a number of guided visits to the sites of former mills around Exeter, reflecting upon the past and present of the city’s paper industry and how we might creatively remember it today. The project’s blog may help to give you a sense of some of the ongoing research and activities being undertaken by the group.

How we will support you

You will have full access to the research archive compiled by the project’s 15 community volunteer researchers about Exeter’s papermaking heritage.

  • We can arrange access to the library and archives at Exeter Cathedral, the Devon and Exeter Institution and Devon Heritage Centre.

  • If you are not a competent printmaker and would like to use print in your work, we can organise one day’s 1-1 tuition or support from a printmaking tutor to introduce you a printmaking process.

  • Double Elephant will provide supported access to our print workshop each Wednesday during the commission period between 10am – 4pm (we can schedule another day/time if this is not convenient).

  • Alternatively, if you are a competent printmaker and following a studio induction, you can use the print studio independently with free membership for the duration of the commission.

  • We can loan you a portable press and equipment for the commission period if working in our studio is not possible or you would prefer to create your work elsewhere.

  • The commission includes free access to one of Double Elephant’s courses between September – December 2024.

  • The commission will form part of an exhibition in January/February 2025 that celebrates our Paper & Print project - including the research undertaken by our volunteer researchers, workshops led by our tutors and a sound installation by writer Ellen Wiles.

While the commission includes free access to Double Elephant’s studios with support from our printmaking technicians, the artwork does not have to be confined to printmaking.

Fee Breakdown

Research & Development £250 x 5 days = £1250

Design & Production £250 x 9 days = £2250 

Materials = £750

Administration and evaluation £250 x 2 days = £500

Travel = £250

TOTAL £5000

How to Apply

First stage: Expression of Interest

·      Put together a maximum two-page expression of interest including an artist statement and explaining why you are interested in this opportunity.

·      Compile a portfolio of previous work with relevant links – including social media pages. Please ensure your portfolio is shared as a PDF document and is no more than 5MB in size.

·      Submit the expression of interest and portfolio by email to by noon Mon 12 August 2024.

 If there is another method that you would prefer to use to apply due to your access requirements, please let us know. We want to remove as many barriers to applying as possible.

Second stage: Shortlisted artists meet with the panel

 Three shortlisted artists will be invited to discuss their ideas with the panel (either remotely via Zoom or in person at Double Elephant). They can invoice for £250 to work on their proposal and up to £50 for travel costs if attending in person


August: Artists interested in the commission submit an expression of interest with artist statement and portfolio by noon 12 August 2024. We do not expect a detailed proposal

August/ Sept: Selection panel shortlists three artists, who are invited by email to produce a proposal for the commission.

Sept: Shortlisted artists present and discuss their proposals with the panel. 

Oct - Dec: Selected artist or collective begin the new commission.

January 2025: Artist completes the new work and exhibition takes place during January – February 2025.

The location of the exhibition can be agreed in discussion with the artist. Potentials locations are Countess Wear Village Hall, Topsham Brewery and Mill on the Exe for temporary short exhibitions and the Platform space, Exeter Phoenix and Queens Building, University of Exeter for longer displays.

The selection panel will be made up of Emma Molony, Project Manager; Jess Huffman, Research Volunteer Manager; Matt Burrows, Curator, Exeter Phoenix; Judith Staines, Research Volunteer.


As part of DEPW’s commitment to supporting and promoting diversity in creative practice, we will strive to implement reasonable adjustments to support any artists who face barriers in the selection process, irrespective of the reason.

Engagement Terms

Freelance role Fee: £5000 - inclusive of VAT and all fees, materials, expenses, and travel costs. Fee will be released at two pre-agreed intervals.

If you have any general questions about applying, or would like to share with us any feedback you have about the application process, please email Emma.

This opportunity is made possible by a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.